Blood Disease Federation

Blood Disease Federation is the coordinator of the “Kan Film Festival”.

Federation of Blood Diseases was established by associations in the provinces of Adana, Şanlıurfa, Denizli, and Mersin which are working on blood diseases.
The Federation aims to struggle with leukemia, hemophilia, platelet anemia and other blood diseases, especially Thalassemia (Mediterranean Anemia) and sickle cell anemia, to contribute to the formation of a healthy society structure, to exchange information with national and international organizations, to raise the awareness of the society to prevent the diseases and to collect the associations founded on these diseases under the roof of the Federation, Establishing new standards in the prevention and treatment of these diseases and ensuring co-operation, coordination, standardization, efficiency and efficiency within the framework of quality understanding, and ensuring coexistence in domestic and international meetings and organizations, in order to identify and solve the problems of patients, families and centers working in this field.
